
Showing posts from October, 2024

Welcome to Relational Best - Coaching and Counselling for Individuals and Couples in Exeter and online, with Amanda Williamson

Serious about embracing change in your life?  I work with individuals and couples (life partners and business partners) who recognise the value of engaging in a structured, meaningful conversation in order to expand their thinking, flesh out their professional and personal goals, overcome any personal blocks and explore their potential.  Many of us reach a time in our lives when we face an upheaval which impacts on us on a profound level. Whether it's death, illness, relationship upheaval, career change, a bout of depression or anxiety; these events may force us to confront our ways of being. We can take this as an opportunity to embrace change and be the best versions of ourselves.  Or it may be that we just feel the need to tweak things a little; give an aspect of our lives a  zhuzh… If you want a coaching relationship that covers the personal as well as the professional aspects of your wish for positive change and self development, then I can help. Offering you an integrated pe

My Morning Routine: Harnessing Scientific Research to enhance Focus, Energy, and Wellbeing

  In my therapeutic practice I highlight the importance of physical well-being. This might include recommendations on light exposure, physical activity, or breathwork in acknowledgment pf the fact that that a healthy body supports a healthy mind. Using the PERMA+ framework, and in particular the +, I support clients in creating a lifestyle that flourishes on multiple fronts.   I believe in the power of small, science-backed habits to transform our well-being. My morning routine is influenced by Dr Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist from Stanford whose research on light, movement, and the nervous system has shaped how I approach my daily habits. His work aligns with my goal to optimise focus, energy, and emotional balance for both myself and my clients. Huberman describes his Five Pillars of mental & physical health and performance:    ·        Sleep  ·        Sunlight  ·        Movement  ·        Nutrients  ·        Relationships (all kinds, including with self – I love that he men

Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and How It Affects Your Well-being

As the days grow shorter and darker, many people experience a noticeable shift in their mood and energy. For some, this seasonal change is more than just a case of the "winter blues." They may be dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) a form of depression that occurs primarily during the colder, darker months.    In this post, I explore the effects of SAD on mood, energy levels, and general well-being. I also discuss some practical strategies for managing these seasonal changes and offer suggestions for how to support yourself or a loved one who may be struggling. What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? SAD is a type of depression that typically begins in late autumn and lasts through winter. It’s more than just feeling a little down as the weather changes; those with SAD experience a range of symptoms that can affect their daily lives. Some common symptoms include:   - Depression and low mood  - Difficulty waking up and oversleeping   - Low energy or lethargy  - I