
Welcome to Relational Best - Coaching and Personal Consultancy in Exeter with Amanda Williamson

Serious about embracing change in your life?  I work with individuals and couples ( life partners and business partners) who recognise the value of engaging in a structured, meaningful conversation in order to expand their thinking, flesh out their professional and personal goals, overcome any personal blocks and explore their potential.  Many of us reach a time in our lives when we face an upheaval which impacts on us on a profound level. Whether it's death, illness, relationship upheaval, career change, a bout of depression or anxiety; these events may force us to confront our ways of being. We can take this as an opportunity to embrace change and be the best versions of ourselves.  Or it may be that we just feel the need to tweak things a little; give an aspect of our lives a  zhuzh… If you want a coaching relationship that covers the personal as well as the professional aspects of your wish for positive change and self development, then I can help. Offering you an integrated p

Exploring Balance in Therapeutic Coaching: The integration of Vulnerability and Potency

“Through the use of the dominator and partnership models of social organization for the analysis of both our present and our potential future, we can also begin to transcend the conventional polarities between right and left, capitalism and communism, religion and secularism, and even masculinism and feminism.”  ― Riane Eisler, The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future   I am exploring the dichotomy between vulnerability and potency as a focal point, prompted by ongoing discussions with my therapeutic coaching supervisor Carolyn Mumby . Carolyn is a dual qualified Executive Coach and former Chair of the BACP Coaching Division, and has been pivotal in the development of the emerging discipline of therapeutic coaching and dual qualified practice within the BACP and in the UK.  Carolyn drew my attention to the concept of vulnerability being typically associated with therapy and potency with coaching. I recently read the book " The Chalice and the Blade" by Riane Eisler

Emerging from the Depths: A Reflective Journey Through A Yoga Retreat Oasis

Returning from a combined holiday and yoga retreat week away in Morocco, I find myself still processing the profound shifts that occurred during this immersive experience. Joined by a close friend, also a therapist with a passion for yoga and self-discovery, we embarked on a journey led by Nikki Cassap of YogaVida , exploring the depths of yoga practice amidst the stunning backdrop of Fawakay Villas near Marrakesh. Our adventure began three days before the retreat officially commenced, allowing us to settle into the serene surroundings and soak in the beauty of Moroccan landscapes. From the breathtaking yoga sunrise on the rooftop terrace to indulging in healthy and delicious Moroccan cuisine, each moment was deeply nourishing.  One unexpected highlight of our trip was the friendship we forged before the retreat part of the week, with a friend of the Fawakay owners, Tom, who graciously offered to walk with us most mornings, to show us the hinterland beyond the villas. As we embarked o

The New Wave of Talking Therapies - Therapeutic Coaching (and the Sea Pool at Trevone Bay)

Treyarnon Bay, Cornwall Navigating the evolving landscape of talking therapies can at times feel like swimming in choppy, uncertain waters. I am BACP Senior Accredited counsellor and EMCC Senior Accredited coach, and am working increasingly in a blended way. I am part of the new wave in talking therapies; a fusion of traditional therapy with the dynamic, forward-focus of coaching.  This movement is a response to the changing needs of clients who seek a fresh approach; one that marries the depth of therapy with the proactive, solution-focused mindset of coaching.  I wrote about this last year . Today I had a coaching supervision session and towards the end of the session, I noticed that some of the issues I brought, are anchored in issues around this emerging wave, the shift in my professional identity and how this sits in the context of this movement within the profession.  The sea pool at Trevone Last weekend I visited a tidal pool in Trevone, Cornwall with some friends. Despite being

Moving on from Toxic, Narcissistic Relationships

Navigating the aftermath of a narcissistic relationship can be a daunting journey, filled with emotional upheaval and self-doubt. Yet, with the right support and tools, it is possible to heal and rebuild a stronger sense of self.  Understanding Narcissistic Relationships In the realm of narcissistic relationships, manipulation and emotional abuse often go hand in hand. It's a gradual process akin to the analogy of a frog in boiling water - put the frog straight into boiling water and it would leap out immediately. A narcissistic relationship is like putting the frog into cool water, with the heat rises imperceptibly until it's too late to notice. These relationships are characterised by a power dynamic where the narcissistic partner exerts control over the other through emotional manipulation, eroding their sense of self-worth and autonomy. This can happen very slowly although many people admit that in retrospect, they could see red flags near the start. When we are swept up in